Bureau of Food Security - Climate Change Associate Award in Zambia and Kenya [2013 - 2015]
Non-AFRE Co-Principle Investigators: Jennifer Olson (olsonjj@msu.edu ) Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media (TISM) at MSU
The purpose of the activities funded under this USAID Associate Award to the FS III Cooperative Agreement was to link for Zambia and Kenya to the multiple - year household survey data and the climate, crop, land use, and water availability models, in order to improve understanding about how rural households are adapting to climate change (in terms of agricultural technology use and production practices, and perhaps other income - earning strategies).
The goal was to also learn about the impacts of anticipated future climate scenarios on farm household production, income, and food security. This information was aimed at helping refine the climate change models and estimates of future household technology adoption and investment decisions, with implications for country program and policy priorities.
Implementation: Apr. 2013 - May 2015.
Contact Project Implementing Team
BFS Climate Change Project Legacy Web Site
Principal Investigator
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