Automotive and Returnable Packaging Online Workshop for Industry Professionals
Course Description
This course is an overview of the principles of automotive packaging. Students will learn about the history of automotive, gain an understanding of manufacturing processes for vehicles and the production flow. The connection between automotive assembly and the role and use of packaging for vehicle parts will be discussed. Students will learn the various types of containers used, the role of suppliers, and how automotive packaging is designed, selected, and maintained during its life cycle. The course will address the importance of program management and the involvement of the packaging team in design, cost justification, purchase, and use. Additionally, students will learn about the transition from widespread corrugated packaging to an industry-wide standard of returnable containers.
Instructor Information
Instructor: Camille Corr Chism, CPPL Fellow
Preferred pronouns: she, her, hers
Office Telephone: 281-384-4483
Course duration: The course is open to all attendees for six weeks. We estimate six weeks to be enough time to complete the content and review it multiple times. The content is broken into six learning modules, plus a detailed summary.
Course configuration:
- Six self-paced modules contain content organized into small learning sessions that build on each other.
- Six live, recorded Zoom sessions weekly. The Zoom session allows time for learners to ask questions of the course instructor and to learn from others in the cohort. It is not mandatory, and all sessions will be recorded and shared in the course management system (D2L) for course attendees only.
- There are five exercises to solidify learning for each student.
- To ensure Supplemental videos, readings, and info
Course Pricing: $1,995 per person. Discounts are available for multiple people from the same company.
Each student will receive a Certificate of Completion from the Michigan State University School of Packaging.
Instructional Objectives
The primary learning objectives for this course are:
List the primary learning objectives for this course here.
- Objective – Understand the terminology and concepts of automotive packaging
- Objective – Learn the processes related to automotive manufacturing and packaging
- Objective – Become skilled at how to determine when returnable or expendable packaging is appropriate
- Objective – Develop the basic framework to plan an effective returnable packaging program for automotive manufacturing environments
You will meet the objectives listed above through a combination of the following activities in this course:
- Complete readings and assignments in a timely manner
- Attend office hours if you have questions or need assistance on any material
- Review supplemental materials (does not count toward homework, however it will help to understand concepts presented in this course)