Award Opportunities
Department Awards
These awards are awarded annually to the Department's students, provided a suitable candidate is nominated. All award applications are due each year on March 15.
Undergraduate Award
Awarded to an undergraduate student in Entomology for outstanding achievement in their overall undergraduate program.
Eligibility requirements:
- MSU Entomology undergraduate major who has senior status (88+ credits) up to one semester post-graduation.
- 3.0 GPA or higher
Require Application Materials:
- A letter of nomination from the student's major professor.
- One additional letter of support.
See past Undergraduate award winners.
Wooley Award
Awarded to a masters student for outstanding achievement in total MS program.
- Current MS students who have completed their MS degree during the previous calendar year.
- Exceptional academic record in current graduate degree program.
Required Application Materials:
- A letter of nomination from the student's major professor.
- One additional letter of support.
See past Paul Wooley award winners.
Dreisbach Award
Awarded to a doctoral student for outstanding achievement in total PhD program.
- Current PhD candidates who have passed the Oral Comprehensive Examination or the Final Oral Examination during the previous calendar year.
- Exceptional academic record in current graduate degree program.
Required Application Materials:
- A letter of nomination from the student's major professor.
- One additional letter of support.
See past Robert Dreisbach award winners.
McDaniel Award
Awarded to a graduate student (MS or PhD) for excellence, dedication and achievement in teaching.
- Must be current MSU Entomology graduate student.
Required Application Materials:
- A letter of nomination from the student's major professor.
- One additional letter of support.
See past Eugenia McDaniel award winners.
Guyer Award
Awarded to a graduate student (MS or PhD) for outstanding achievement in Extension.
- Must be currently MSU Entomology graduate student.
Required Application Materials:
- A letter of nomination from the student's major professor.
- One additional letter of support.
See past Gordon Guyer award winners.
Entomological Society of America (ESA) awards
ESA Student Activity Award: Recognizes a student for outstanding contributions to the society, his/her academic department, and the community, while still achieving academic excellence.
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) awards
Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching Award: To recognize graduate students who have distinguished themselves by the nurturing academic environment they provide and the skill they have shown in teaching.