An Emerging Threat: Box Tree Moth and Spotted Lanternfly in Michigan

February 15, 2024 1:00PM - 2:30PM

Ottawa County MSU Extension, 12220, Fillmore St. Main Conference Room, West Olive, MI 49460

Contact: Heidi Lindberg, 616-994-4701 or

Box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis) is an invasive landscape pest that can lead to significant defoliation and death of Buxus. MDARD has implemented a twelve-county quarantine in SE Michigan, in an effort to keep box tree moth from moving to new areas in the state, while minimizing the impact on Michigan’s horticulture industry. During the talk, Andria McCubbin (Michigan Department of Agriculture) will discuss the quarantine requirements, how the compliance agreements work, and what the future might hold.

Spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is an invasive pest that can feed on at least 70 species of trees, as well as vines and shrubs, including fruit trees, hops, grapevines and several hardwoods. It was first detected in a localized spot in Oakland County in August 2022. This pest has the potential to negatively affect specialty crops and be a nuisance in outdoor areas. Amber Neils (Michigan Department of Agriculture) will cover the potential impact for nursery and tree growers in Michigan.

Speakers:  Amber Neils and Andria McCubbin (Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development)

Cost: FREE, Registration required.


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