A collection of educational articles and resources to help families and communities deal with severe weather, power outages, localized flooding, food safety and related issues.

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All too often, communities across Michigan face a variety of issues related to severe weather, including localized flooding, power outages and more. There are often immediate concerns related to safety, but many are left with questions related to long-term impacts on homes, families, businesses, communities and Michigan’s agricultural crops.

Ask_An_Expert_logo_color-d731ec4d983e53551f36cf90d4144400 (1)To help Michigan residents find answers and resources regarding floods, power outages, food safety and related issues, Michigan State University Extension has put together an educational roundup of relevant articles and resources.

While many of these articles were originally written for a specific instance of flooding, the information remains relevant and valuable. You will also find a helpful list of MSU Extension experts who can address specific flood-related and food-safety concerns related to their areas of expertise.

If you have a question about power outages or flood damage, impacted Michigan crops, food safety and more, you can ask your question directly online through Ask an Expert, which connects you to a network of expertise in Michigan and throughout the U.S.