Weather & Climate

Hourly and daily weather data 

MSU hosts Enviro-weather, an Internet resource with weather data for pest management and other plant production practices. Enviro-weather draws data from its weather stations located in many of Michigan's grape growing regions. Data from Enviro-weather’s stations can aid decision-making as you note conditions in your vineyard. From the Enviro-weather home page, select the station nearest you to get hourly updates and daily summaries about air and soil temperatures, leaf wetness, precipitation, wind speed and growing degree day accumulations. After selecting a station, go to these models for disease development and planning insect management:

Enviro-weather also includes a Concord berry weight model as Concord grape berries are predicted to be at half of their final weight at 1200 GDD (Base 50F) past April 1. 


Weather equipment and use of degree days

Some considerations:

Weathering the Climate: Cultivation and Technology

Michigan State University and Northwestern Michigan College hosted a conference on Sept. 5, 2014 on Weathering the Climate: Cultivation and Technology in Grape Production.

Cold and frost concerns