

Capriola dactylon, Bahama-grass, scutch-grass, dog's-tooth-grass, wire grass, indian doob

Cynodon dactylon

Bermudagrass is a warm-season perennial that spreads by stolons (above ground runners). Bermudagrass is a not widely considered to be cold tolerant, however, several selections exist that can overwinter in Michigan. It is common for the bermuadgrass to stay dormant until Memorial Day and to return to dormancy soon after Labor Day. It will be particularly aggressive in areas where soil temperatures are elevated (e.g. over steam lines and tunnels). It is not thought to produce viable seed in Michigan so spreading is attributed to vegetative means.

  • Crops Affected: turf


    Cultural management of bermudagrass for removal is not possible.

    Similar Species

    Bermudagrass can be confused with nimblewill. However, nimblewill is more common in Michigan, lacks the profuse hairs of bermudagrass and is somewhat more upright in growth habit.