Field Bindweed


Bindweed, small-flowered morningglory, creeping Jenny, green-vine, corn-lily, lap-love, hedge-bells

Convolvulus arvensis

Field bindweed is a common weed in subdivisions that were converted from agricultural land. Bindweed has an aggressive rhizomatous root system with trailing stems that spread quickly and can overtake mulched beds, bushes and fence rows. It is common to see bindweed smothering junipers and other bushes. The white and pink flowers are distinctly from the morningglory family. The veins are conspicuous on the arrowhead shaped leaves (sagitate or hastate).

Field bindweed is most commonly mistaken for red sorrel. Bindweed is much more vine-like than red sorrel and the lobes at the base of the leaf are more pointed. The leaves of field bindweed have very prominent veins and lack the velvety appearance of red sorrel. The flowers are distinctly different as bindweed is in the morning glory family.

  • Crops Affected: turf


    Once established, field bindweed is very difficult to remove by cultural methods. Hand pulling is mostly ineffective because of the extensive and deep rhizome system. Field bindweed is very aggressive and can smother foundation planting and other woody ornamentals.

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    Red Sorrel