Pigeonpea as a test case for scaling in West Africa

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Location: West Africa

Contact: Dr. Sieglinde Snapp, Michigan State University, snapp@msu.edu


Our goal is to implement a systems research approach to scaling out technologies, through a test case of the suitability niche for pigeonpea and mungbean. These two crops are not yet grown on any significant scale in West Africa, yet both fill unique cropping system functions. Pigeonpea as a long-duration, multipurpose crop; in addition to food, this crop provides vegetation for fodder and has unique ability in association with the root biome to enhance soil nitrogen and phosphorus availability. Mung bean as an early duration crop can be grown in relay and intercrop systems for a ‘hungry season’ food source and novel income generation.

Princess Hayford, crop scientist examining potential for 'perennial pigeonpea' as a food plus fodder crop. Bamako, Mali 2017

Through modeling and geospatial analysis, we will map the biophysical and socioeconomic niche for introduction of two crops that are novel species in West Africa, pigeonpea and mung bean. Specifically, we will identify high potential sites for integration where pigeonpea and mung bean are predicted to grow well in Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Nigeria. As an example, see below for a geovisualization of pigeonpea biophysical niche in Malawi, Figure 5 from Peter et al., 2018. Further, as a proof of concept we will assess the potential impact of pigeonpea in Mali in terms of production, environmental, human, profitability and social benefits. That is, we will evaluate the range of impact expected from sorghum system diversification with this multipurpose crop, in terms of enhanced soil fertility, fodder and potential for production of more stable sorghum yields. Outputs will include geo-visualizations and scenario analyses to assess potential impact through crop introduction, including long-term sustainability, system resilience, income and nutrition – particularly as a potential novel protein source for female-headed households. 

geovisualization of pigeon pea photo

Malawi example of geo-visualization for a pigeonpea biophysical niche.

Peter, B.G., Messina, J.P., Frake, A.N. and Snapp, S.S., 2018. Scaling agricultural innovations: pigeonpea in Malawi. The Professional Geographer, 70(2), pp.239-250.