2022 Horse Camp: English Riding - Day 5

The last amazing day of Horse Camp!

Horse Camp: English Riding: Day 5


Cowboy Caviar

Horse campers have their won garden kitchen to try new kinds of meals that they might not have had before! Today's dish was Cowboy Caviar, a mix of beans, corn, and tomatoes that paired very well with chips! The 'caviar' part came from all the round elements; the corn kernels and beans. It was so tasty, even Mango, the Shetland Pony standing near the campers wanted to try a bite! Of course we had to say no, the caviar is not the right snack for a pony!

Horse CourseIMG_5661

Finally after learning all the basics of riding, the campers each got to try and lead the horse around the training area into an obstacle course with varying levels of difficulty. Weaving around cones, leading up to a wooden platform, 360 degree turns, as well as cantering in circles, these campers did it all! 

Grooming & Leading

After doing so much hard work, the horses got a well-deserved break, with lots of pats, brushing the dust away, with lots of snacks and water. Sunny and Gris, our two horses for today, really, really earned it! They were then led around on a short walk to cool down, then put in the stables.


The big event for all camps this week is our amazing Slip-n-Slide! After playing some more games with our horse camp group, they joined hands with our main camp groups to slide down one after another, in a mess of bubbles and lots of giggles. 



Dance the rest of Camp AwayIMG_5713

For our parental skit, the amazing horse campers took to a really well done line dance, and they did 'cotton-eye-joe' their way to the end of the day! Each day of camp they got time to practice and go over the dance as a group and how they wanted it to look. These campers were so amazing, and we are so happy they were able to learn a lot about English Riding this week! Stay tuned for more amazing adventures!


Check out more Horse Camp photos here!
2022 Horse Camp: English Riding

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