Biosystems engineering student uses research, academic experiences to land internship at Nestl

Andrew Kearney performed data analysis to help the global food company reduce its environmental impact.

Headshot of Andrew Kearney

Michigan State University (MSU) junior Andrew Kearney remembers the moment when he knew biosystems engineering was the right major for him.

During his senior year of high school Kearney, a Flushing, Michigan native, visited MSU's campus for the Honors College's Alumni Distinguished Scholarship (ADS) competition. ADS is an event for high-achieving students that includes tours and information sessions for different majors.

While at ADS, he attended an information session on biosystems engineering hosted by Bradley Marks, current chair and professor in the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering. As part of the session, Marks gave a tour of his food processing research lab.

I thought I wanted to be a pediatrician, but I wanted to choose a major that I could fall back on if I decided I wanted to pursue something different, Kearney said. When I saw biosystems engineering, I was like, 'wow, this is awesome. This sounds perfect.' I was even more interested after listening to Dr. Marks talk and seeing his lab.

Website: MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

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