CANR announces Dissertation Completion Fellowship deadlines

See complete information and links to forms here

Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2025 

Deadline Oct 9 2024

Links to Important Documents:
Instructions for Applying
Cover Sheet


Lauren Andring
Academic Program Coordinator
Department of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences
Michigan State University

PhD students who will be finishing their PhD during Spring 2025, please consider applying for a Dissertation Completion Fellowship!

Please send the attached (updated) cover sheet along with the required items listed below no later than close of business, Wednesday, October 9th to  Lauren Andring

  1. Attached cover sheet. See cover sheet here
  2. A letter from you that includes an explanation of how the fellowship will enable you to complete your dissertation in the semester indicated.  This letter should be no more than one page.
  3. An abstract of the subject of the dissertation, summarizing the research idea and presenting the hypotheses and/or questions to be addressed and an outline of the dissertation (no more than two pages).
  4. A copy of your curriculum vitae (no more than four pages).  Focus the CV on publications and presentations during the time enrolled in the doctoral program.
  5. A letter of support and a statement of progress by major professor indicating the likelihood the nominee will complete in the semester indicated and the need for the fellowship.


  • The cover sheet has been updated as of April 2024. The former version is now obsolete. 
  • Students should describe their progress/current status with as much clarity as possible. The committee comes from all different disciplines within CANR and may not be familiar with the context or timeline of your program.
  • The ability to finish in the semester of the award and the level of need are critically evaluated by the committee.
  • Summer Semester 2025 DCFs will be due February 19th, 2025.

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