Enrollment now open: Popular MSU Extension course Introduction to Lakes Online offered January 2025

Register today for this unique opportunity to learn about inland lakes.

For decorative purposes.
Photo by: Paige Filice

Michiganders are fortunate to live in a lake-rich state and continuously get to enjoy the clean water, picturesque views, and wide variety of fish and wildlife that go along with healthy inland lake ecosystems. As summer winds down, now is a great time for those who enjoy our lakes to learn more about them and how to keep them healthy. One popular learning opportunity is the Introduction to Lakes Online course available through the Michigan State University Extension Center for Lakes and Streams. The course is designed for anyone interested in inland lakes including lakefront property owners, local government officials, lake managers, and educators.

The course is taught by MSU Extension educators, MSU Department of Fisheries and Wildlife faculty, and Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy staff. It equips residents, decision-makers and local leaders with the knowledge they need to address management concerns by increasing lake literacy and creating peer and resource connections.

This award-winning six-week course is very popular and is only offered once a year. Since it launched in 2014 over 2,000 people have taken the class and 98% of past participants would recommend it to a friend or colleague. For many, Introduction to Lakes Online is their first online class. However, the easy to navigate website, clear instructional videos, and weekly reminder emails have resulted in over 90% of participants completing the course.

Through this convenient format participants increase their knowledge and understanding of six topics that are divided into course units. These topics include lake ecology, watersheds, shorelines, aquatic plants, water law, and community involvement. Each unit features closed captioned video lectures, interactive activities, discussion forums, quizzes, and additional resources for those who want to dive deeper into a topic. Each unit takes approximately 2 hours to complete. Every week a new unit is released on the website and is accessible 24/7 to participants.

Register Now!

The course schedule also allows for participants to learn at their own pace when it’s most convenient for them. There are also opportunities for communication with classmates and course instructors through discussion forums and three Ask-an-Expert webinars. The Ask-an-Expert webinars include the instructional team and a panel of outside experts from state agencies including the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy.

Participants who complete the course are also eligible for the following:

2025 Course Information

The 2025 offering of Introduction to Lakes runs January 21 – March 12. The first week is a “Getting Started” unit. The course website is available 24/7 to participants until May 30, 2025.

To learn more and enroll in the course visit the Introduction to Lakes Online course website.


Enroll in the course by January 6 for an early bird rate of $95. After January 6, the cost of the course is $115. Scholarships are available. The deadline to register is January 28.

Current individual members of the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association (MLSA) are eligible to receive a $95 reimbursement upon successful completion of the course. Not an MLSA member? Join as an Individual Member prior to completing the course and you too can take advantage of this opportunity. Learn more about MLSA at mymlsa.org.

Course Schedule

Open Date

Unit Topic


1/21 Getting Started Explore the Introduction to Lakes course website and introduce yourself to the class and instructors via discussion forums

Unit 1
Lake Ecology

An introduction to lake ecosystems and the exploration of basic lake functions

Unit 2

Primer on the water cycle, hydrologic features of a watershed, and land use impacts to lake water quality

Unit 3

Review of shoreline features and functions in inland lake ecosystems and best practices to protect water quality and lake habitat

Unit 4
Aquatic Plants

Introduction to plant identification, short and long-term management techniques, and regulations regarding aquatic vegetation in Michigan lakes

Unit 5
Water Law

Summary of federal, state, and local laws regarding riparian rights, navigability, and permitting on inland lakes in Michigan

Unit 6
Community Involvement

Review of institutions involved in lake management, coordinating with other lake groups, and components of a lake management plan

Certificate/CEU deadline

To receive a Certificate of Completion or Continuing Education Credits all course requirements must be met by this date

Ask-an-Expert webinar schedule (attendance is not required)




Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. EST Unit 1: Lake Ecology and Unit 2: Watersheds
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2025 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. EST Unit 3: Shorelines and Unit 4: Aquatic Plants
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. EST Unit 5: Law and Unit 6: Community Involvement

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