FCWG 2018-19 Learning Exchange Series Session: Natural Climate Solutions in New Jersey
Speaker Michael Catania, Executive Director of Duke Farms, presents "Natural Climate Solutions in New Jersey: Rejoining RGGI and a Case Study of Duke Farms".
Natural Climate Solutions in New Jersey: Rejoining RGGI and a Case Study of Duke Farms
- Michael Catania, Executive Director, Duke Farms
The mission of Duke Farms is to be a model and a leader in environmental stewardship and sustainability. Its 2,742 acre campus is filled with demonstrations of ecological restoration, renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture. Through these demonstration program and an extensive series of programs for children, families, adults and professionals, Duke Farms seeks to develop and share best management practices, and is currently focusing its efforts on monitoring and evaluating our efforts to maximize the sequestration of carbon in our forests, grasslands, wetlands and working farm fields. This talk will discuss specific projects that
Duke Farms is doing to seek to become carbon neutral or even carbon negative.
Supplementary Materials
- Presentation Slides - Natural Climate Solutions: A Case Study of Duke Farms