Gerald Grossman

As a consulting forester, Gerald Grossman is an independent professional who provides forest management services to private land owners. This includes habitat enhancement, timber marketing and sales, property mapping, and other land management advice.

Gerald Grossman

Growing up, we spent a lot of family time doing outside activities like going to the beach in southwest Michigan where I grew up, camping, canoeing, and cross country skiing.

After high school I enrolled in the school of natural resources at the University of Michigan. My academic advisor recommended forestry and I was hooked. I was a forest pest scout for MSU Extension and the DNR, contract tree planter in Colorado and contract timber cruiser in Colorado and New Mexico before getting my masters degree from MSU.

I was a research forester for the USFS before starting Grossman Forestry Company in 1990. We now have 8 full time foresters managing over 375,000 acres of forestland. Most days include time devoted to client relations, contractor relations, employee relations, reviewing client reports, reviewing quotes for work, preparing quotes, reviewing contracts, working with vendors, data management etc. Special projects include forest auditing across the Eastern US, carbon market projects, and participation in national policy projects.

The two most rewarding parts are sharing our passion for forestry with landowners and going back into stands we have been managing for about 30 years and seeing the results of good forest management.

My Advice

There are many career paths to take as your life evolves.  Job opportunities are diverse and interesting.  Even if you don’t stay in the forestry field, the education you receive is transferable to many related and not so related fields.  You will get significant value and employability from a forestry education.

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