Introducing the Clean and Happy app

Try this new app to gain information, share experiences and help keep your loved ones safe.

The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) today announced a new app for families called “Clean and Happy”. This app involves an independent community made up of parents and is tailored toward families who are passionate about keeping their loved ones safe, clean and happy.

Nancy Bock ACI’s senior vice president of education shares, “The primary goal for this app community is to make safe, clean happy homes, so that we can have time for the most important things: quality family time, new activities and ideas for families with young children and staying connected to other parents navigating this stage of life.”

How does this new app work? Parents and community members can log on to the app itself or online and participate in the conversation on the message board, sharing thoughts and experiences about parenting and home safety practices. A person creates a free account by visiting

Join in the conversation, share the app with friends, family and colleagues. Together join in direct conversations with parents and caregivers spreading parenting and safety information. You can also follow the Clean and Happy conversation on Facebook.

This site will not give out medical advice, they will advise you to contact your own medical authority. This site is designed to provide an educational, supportive and friendly community to help parents share practical ideas. 

The ACI has worked with Extension services over the years providing materials relevant to the many family and consumer science programs they provide. Michigan State University Extension also provides information and programs for families in the areas of parenting, nutrition and food safety.  

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