MSU Extension update for vegetable, field crop and flower producers on January 27

Participants will hear updates for vegetable, field crop and flower producers in Michigan’s Thumb region.

The 2024 pickle variety trial harvest at the Saginaw Valley Research and Education Center. Photo by Saltanat Mambetova, MSU Extension

Michigan State University Extension will be hosting an Update Meeting for Vegetable, Field Crop and Flower Producers at Rawson Memorial Library, 6495 Pine St, Cass City, MI 48726, on Monday, Jan. 27, 2025, from 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. This event is free, and a light lunch is provided. 

Join us for a comprehensive session covering key topics for producers.  

Caitlin Splawski, greenhouse and floriculture educator, will discuss how to adjust the pH of irrigation water and how to handle compounds safely. Many growers in Michigan deal with highly alkaline water sources. Splawski will go over why these matters for plant health and what you can do about it. 

Teresa Crook, field crop educator, will introduce Bulletins Live! Two, a system developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to implement geographically specific pesticide use limitations for protecting threatened and endangered species. 

Cheri Burk, farm management educator, will explore the importance of recordkeeping and how to make information-based decisions for your business using data you can easily collect and track.  

Jenna Falor, field crop educator, will provide information on herbicide carryover and soil building with cover crops. Soil health is important for many aspects of farming, which has led to an increase in the use of cover crops. Falor will go over how to avoid any complications related to herbicide carryover. 

Salta Mambetova, vegetable educator, will conclude with a 2024 season-in-review for vegetable growers, highlighting the pests and diseases affecting vegetable production and providing integrated pest management recommendations.  

Professional credits for this program through the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development are four restricted use pesticide credits (Private Core; Com. Core; 1A; 1B or 1C).  

Maximum capacity for the room in the library is 50 people. To register or if you have questions, contact Salta Mambetova at email:; cell: 517-230-1427, or Teresa Crook at email:; cell: 989-652-3552.  

If Rawson Memorial Library is closed for inclement weather, this meeting will be rescheduled.  



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