MSU-patented PFAS destruction technology licensed by a Lansing company
MSU patented a method for fully defluorinating PFAS, developed by Hui Li, Stephen Boyd, and Brian Teppen.
In 2019, MSU patented a method for completely defluorinating PFAS molecules; the method was developed by Hui Li, Stephen Boyd, and Brian Teppen of the MSU Department of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences.
In 2023-2024, the MSU patent was licensed by a woman-owned company in Lansing called Enspired Solutions. Enspired Solutions has obtained venture capital funding as well as several grants such as the recent NIEHS small business innovation grant that is helping to further develop this PFAS-destruction technology.
For those interested, here is a 45-min webinar from October 2024 where the company talks about their product.
The Enspired Solutions company makes their “PFASigator” modules in Lansing and sells them for $300k to $800k apiece, per module. The Atlantium company that hosts the webinar makes the UV sources that are part of each module to generate the electrons from the “proprietary” chemicals, including those under the MSU patent.