PhD candidate Alexandra Peña Hernández successfully defended her thesis

“Integrated strategies for improved management of cercospora leaf spot on sugarbeet,” working with lead advisor Jaime Wilbur and the MSU Sugarbeet and Potato Research Unit.

PhD candidate Alexandra Peña Hernández successfully defended her thesis: “Integrated strategies for improved management of Cercospora leaf spot on sugarbeet,” working with lead advisor Jaime Wilbur and the MSU Sugarbeet and Potato Research Unit.

Faculty, students and staff packed the room while Alex described her process of science and discovery—including many hours driving, working in the field, and a low-key flame thrower, which was attached to a tractor and drove over the crops to test the effects of extreme heat on sugarbeet leaf spot overwintering. “This project was a lot of work, Alex says, “but I have a great team and we all help each other.”

Alex came to PSM after getting her bachelor’s degree in biosystem and agricultural engineering in the College of Engineering here at MSU. “I had met Jaime during a senior design research experience and did an internship with an agronomy company” Alex said. “And that really helped me decide to go to graduate school.” Alex is Jaime Wilbur’s first PhD student to graduate since starting with PSM in 2018.

Alex, who started with an eye on a master’s degree in fall 2019, quickly made the transition to the PhD program. Alex’s plans include finishing up her project, getting married in October, and eventually working in industry or with the USDA. “It’s been such an amazing experience to work with this team,” Alex said.

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