Snack attack at work

Healthy snack options you can bring to work.

Snacking is sometimes associated with a negative image and could lead to weight gain, but there are many benefits from eating at least every four hours. Snacks are typically consumed between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner. Snacking can assist to keep your body’s metabolism going. When you skip a snack or a meal and then consume more than you need during the next meal, your body will be more likely to store those excess calories as fat.

Smarter snacking

When choosing a snack, try to pick one that packs the most punch nutritionally and will keep you full for longer. Snacks that are between 150-200 calories and contain at least three grams of fiber are a great option to help sustain your appetite until the next mealtime. Fiber takes longer to breakdown in the digestive system compared to refined grains (examples include white bread, pastries and cheese crackers). Pairing fiber with a protein is the ultimate snack option.

Snack ideas snack ideas from Michigan State University Extension include:

  1. A boiled egg and a medium apple (173 calories and 4.4 grams of fiber).
  2. Six whole grain Triscuit crackers with one ounce of low-fat cheddar cheese (168 calories and three grams of fiber).
  3. One container of Greek yogurt with one cup of blueberries (185 calories and 3.6 grams of fiber).
  4. Two Mandarin oranges with 14 almonds (192 calories and 5.4 grams of fiber).
  5. Two peppers (any color) with three tablespoons of hummus (150 calories and 6.7 grams of fiber).

Tips on packing

Pre-plan your snacks the night before work and store them in the refrigerator for easier access. Pre-planning will save you time and it will be easier to portion out the correct amount as well. Purchase the right storage equipment for your snacks (Tupperware, small containers for dips, baggies). Purchase a small freeze pack for your cooler to keep your snacks chilled.

Happy snacking!

For more on healthy eating, physical activity guidelines, helpful tips, interactive activities and resources visit:

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