Transforming seed systems to respond to bean variety demand through multi-stakeholder platforms in Malawi

From the July 2024 Newsletter

Led by Dr. Jean Claude Rubyogo, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

Seed production and supply systems experience value chain coordination challenges. Lack of value chain coordination from the market demand for grain influences demand for certified, basic, and breeder seed, and ultimately investing to increase quantities and quality of seed supplied and the number of farmers accessing seed. The project tested the hypothesis that market pull for demanded varieties through multi-stakeholder platforms (MSP) facilitated linkages can stimulate farmers’ interest and purchase of certified bean seed.

The study examined the role of MSPs in increasing investments in certified seed supply, whether seed value chains integrated into private sector-led MSPs increase quantities of certified seed purchased by men, women, and youth farmers, and whether using the MSP-based participatory variety testing approaches increases awareness and accelerates the uptake of new market-demanded varieties.

Click the link below to read the project achievements and complete final technical report.

Read the full report


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