Apple Establishment: Ellepot versus Bareroot Nursery Trees
Project goal: To determine if the Ellepot style nursery tree provides better tree establishment than a standard bare root nursery tree in northwest Michigan sandy soils.
Project description: Ellepot trees are grown in an organic substrate inside a tray that allows for a fiberous root system to develop. The entire root system is shipped with the tree and planted in the ground for potentially faster root development than a standard bare root tree. In spring of 2018, we established a block of high-density Honeycrisp, Gala and Fuji in a randomized block design. Four replications of each variety and system, Ellepot and bare root, were planted. Yearly data has been collected on trunk circumference, tree height, and tree death/decline. In 2020, we collected yield data including: number of fruit/tree, weight per tree, and number of fruit with bitterpit.
Project lead/collaborators: Nikki Rothwell and Todd Einhorn
Funding sources: Michigan Tree Fruit Commission’s new planting funds
Start year: 2018
End year: 2023