Advising Appointment

Fall and Spring Appointments

  1. Log onto
  2. Click on the Academic Progress tile.
  3. On the left-hand side, select Advising/Tutoring Appointments, then click on the blue Create New Appointments tab on the right-hand side.
  4. Under the drop-down menu in Category, select Advising.
  5. Under the drop-down menu in Advising/Tutoring Unit, select College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
  6. Under drop-down menu/magnifying glass in Appointment Reason, select Packaging (code will be 0199).
  7. Indicate your reason for making an appointment in Additional Information Required.
  8. Under the drop-down menu in Appointment Type, select remote appointment.
  9. Scroll to my name (Aaron Tucker) and choose an appointment date and time. Then confirm!

Summer Appointments

Email Aaron Tucker at