MDARD Value-Added and Regional Food Systems Grants


Value-Added and Regional Food Systems Grants 

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How it Works 

This MDARD grant program is for projects that will establish, retain, expand, attract, or develop value added agricultural processing in Michigan, or that will expand or develop regional food systems or access the healthy food. This grant is a cost reimbursement program, meaning grantees must cover all project costs until MDARD receives and approves all required documentation (reports, invoices, receipts). Grantees are eligible for reimbursement up to three times (at specified dates) during the 18-month grant cycle, with the final reimbursement at the end of the project. 

Funding Focuses On  

  • Value added food processing 
    • Innovation and equipment 
    • Technical assistance/ feasibility studies that lead to jobs and investment 
    • Outreach and training 
  • Food hub development 
  • Food access, including access to fresh/ nutritional foods 

Funding Limit  

$100,000 per 18 month cycle 


  1. Applicants must provide a minimum of 30% matching funds of the grant amount requested (cash match is required; in-kind contributions will not be counted as part of the required match). 
  2. Salaries may only be included as cash match. Travel costs must be covered by the matching funds. 
  3. All applicants must be registered as a vendor in the Contracts and Payments system with the State of Michigan prior to submitting an application. 

Financing Geographic Area   

Michigan (Other states may have similar programs)


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