USDA AMS Regional Food System Partnership Program


Regional Food System Partnership Program

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How it Works

Applicants work with partners to leverage and catalyze efforts to build stronger local and regional food systems. Once funded, grantees coordinate the efforts by the partners engaged in the program to meet their common objectives.

The program is divided into two types:

  1. Planning and Design, and
  2. Implementation and Expansion.

Funding Focuses On

The program is focused on expanding collaboration among public and private organizations to impact local and regional food systems. Key areas of interest include:

  • Connecting and cultivating food economies
  • Business support for increasing value-added production
  • Strengthening capacity and regional food system development through community collaboration and mid-tier value-chain expansion
  • Improving economic opportunities through job creation

Funding Limit

Planning and Design: $100,000-$250,000 for 24 months

Implementation and Expansion: $250,000-$1,000,000 for 36 months


Eligible applicants include farmers, producers, food councils, governments, non-profits, Tribal governments, and others. The required match is at least 25% and must include investment from partner agencies.

Financing Geographic Area 

United States


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