A photo of the first page of the report.

Alger County Annual Report 2023


August 8, 2024

A message from the District Director

Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters and create many ripples.” MSU Extension acts as a catalyst for lasting change across the Upper Peninsula and beyond, reaching all ages and communities. Our programs support youth, farmers, older adults, and local economies, making a broad impact. For over 100 years, MSU Extension has partnered with organizations to bring Michigan State University’s knowledge to our communities, amplifying our collective impact. Together, we achieve more than any single entity could alone. I’ve been with MSU Extension for nine years, first as a Health Educator and now as District Director for the Eastern Upper Peninsula. I look forward to continuing our work and exploring new ways to collaborate and create positive ripples of impact in Alger County and beyond.
- Erin Daines, District 2 Director. 

Impact at a glance

  • 97 extension programs including Alger residents
  • 1,075 Alger residents attended extension programs
  • 30 extension programs held in the county
  • 583 people attended programs held in the county 
  • 35 extension educators, specialists, and program staff reported data for Alger County
  • 27 County direct one-to-one education contact
  • 21 "Ask Extension" Questions answered
  • 158 youth enrolled in county 4-H 
  • 1,254 4-H youth participants

Upper Peninsula Research & Extension Center

The team reached 866 participants at the Chatham Farm throughout 2023. 22 Alger County residents participated in the Ag for Tomorrow Conference.

4-H 2023 Recap

Alger County had a wonderful group of 14 youth, 2 teen counselors, 1 adult volunteer, and 1 program coordinator attend U.P. 4-H Camp at Clear Lake Education Center nestled in a lush forest off the grid Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. The camper’s participated in a clue challenge, a dance, arts & crafts, apple play, canoeing, campfire time (skits, songs &
smores), ice cream making, introduction to coding, iPad: nature sketching, learning financial literacy through a money carnival, nature hikes, team sports, scavenger hunts, shooting sports
(archery & BB guns), swam, and more - all while learning new skills and making new friends. We ended with awards and a slideshow!

2023 Alger County Fair 

Thank you to all the 4-H families and youth for entering exhibits, marketing the action, raising livestock, participating in the costume contest and scavenger hunt, running games (we had more than 84 youth come to the game tent), and all the other volunteering that goes into making this family fun event happen for our community! The decorating and participating in the parade – our group took 2nd place in the group/organization category! For 4-H youth, the fair is an excellent opportunity to showcase and be recognized for what they have learned
in the 4-H program during the year. This was a very interactive experience for all that participated.

Read the full report for more information on Alger County in 2023!


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