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Michigan State University Extension Master Gardener Program State Report - August 2019


August 19, 2019 - Mary Wilson, <> and <>,

Helping people and communities grow

  • 3, 507 Extension Master Gardener Volunteers
  • 157,430 Volunteer Hours
  • 616,306 Michigan Residents Reached

The Michigan State University (MSU) Extension Master Gardener Program is an outreach program that brings the gardening and horticulture resources of Michigan’s land-grant university to the state’s residents and communities through trained volunteers. University experts train these dedicated volunteers on environmentally sound horticulture practices rooted in research. In return, trainees provide at least 40 hours of volunteer community service to extend MSU’s outreach into communities across Michigan. Individuals who successfully complete the training and then fulfill their volunteer commitment within 12 months become certified as an Extension Master Gardener (EMG). EMGs often remain active in the program for many years, continuing to volunteer at least 20 hours of service and a minimum of 10 continuing education hours annually to retain their MSU certification as an EMG.

The MSU Extension Master Gardener Program comprises more than 3,500 individuals across 78 counties. In 2018 alone, these passionate volunteers engaged in nearly 160,000 hours educating over 600,000 residents. Through their volunteer outreach, EMGs shared science-based, environmentally sound gardening knowledge with the gardening in public in the following areas:

Environmental stewardship

Teaching about invasive species, gardening practices to protect and preserve water resources, environmentally friendly pest management strategies, and native plants.

Food security

Providing technical assistance for community food gardens and teaching people how to grow their own food 

Community and quality of life

Assisting local beautification boards and providing gardening classes for those with specials needs 


Teaching Junior Master Gardener classes, helping teachers and community members learn to create and maintain their school gardens



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