Mental Health Resources for Veterans
February 10, 2021 - Steve Whittington
MSU Extension's Veteran Mental Health Resources
VA Mental Health Services:
- The VA Mental Health Services home page is a great starting point for exploring mental health services and care provided by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. You can explore resources by topic, type of care needed, tele-health counseling capabilities, and explore local resources.
- You can also find your local VA mental health care facility across Michigan. To find a VA mental health care facility visit this website, enter in your city, state, or postal code, choose a "VA Health" in the facility type drop down, then select "mental health care" for service type.
- VA Vet Centers are located across Michigan and are community-based counseling centers that provide a wide range of social and psychological services, including professional readjustment counseling to eligible Veterans, active duty service medng National Guard and Reserve components, and their families. To find a VA Vet Center, visit this website, enter in your city, state or postal code, "Vet Center" is automatically populated in the search, then click search.
State Services in Michigan:
- Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
- County Map of Mental Health Services Program. Click on your county to explore a complete list of behavioral health services and resources throughout Michigan.
- Downloadable local mental health services organized alphabetically in Michigan.
- Michigan Veteran Affairs Agency
- Explore the different programs and resources at MVAA.
- Michigan 2-1-1
- A free service that connect Michigan residents with help and answers from thousands of health and human service agencies and resources 24/7/365.
- Veteran Resources
- Mental Health Services
Michigan State University Extension Resources
- Mindfulness for Better Living
- Stress can take a serious toll on your physical, mental and emotional health. MSU Extension's mindfulness programs can help you manage your stress and live a better, healthier life.
- Relax: Alternatives to Anger
- This class helps adults, parents, and caregivers understand and manage anger and stress, and develop the communication and problem solving skills needed for healthy relationships.
- Mental Health First Aid Training
- MSU Extension partners with the National Council for Behavioral Health to provide this invaluable training for veterans, family members of veterans, or veteran service organization
- Mental Health First Aid emphasizes recovery and resiliency and provides the following action plan using the acronym "ALGEE" to help those trained effectively assist someone experiencing a mental health crisis.
- Assess for risk of suicide or harm
- Listen non-judgementally
- Give reassurance and information
- Encourage appropriate professional help
- Encourage self-help and other support strategies