Michigan 4-H Environmental Sciences Project Snapshot (4H1650)
December 3, 2015
Take a journey through fields, forests, wetlands and urban areas to discover the wonders and mysteries of Michigan’s natural environment. Explore the outdoors with place-based, experiential activities or investigate environmental topics while indoors with active hands-on activities. Through the 4-H environmental sciences project, you will learn about the interconnections of people and nature. You’ll also develop respect for the natural environment while creating a sense of stewardship toward our natural resources. This 4-H snapshot sheet covers what 4-H’ers can learn from a 4-H environmental sciences project, ways to get involved and resources for learning more. This is one in a series of Michigan 4-H snapshot sheets on a variety of topics. (2 pages, 2015)
Michigan 4-H Environmental Sciences Project Snapshot (4H1650)