The Quality of Agriculture and Food Security Policy Processes in Senegal: Results from the 2017-18 Stakeholder Survey


January 10, 2020 - Mywish K. Maredia, Kimsey Savadogo, and Mbene Faye

Mywish K. Maredia, Kimsey Savadogo, and Mbene Faye, 2020. The Quality of Agriculture and Food Security Policy Processes in Senegal: Results from the 2017-18 Stakeholder Survey, FSP Policy Brief 113, East Lansing: Michigan State University.

Key Findings

  • A survey of 74 participants in national-level policy processes around agriculture, food security and nutrition issues in Senegal was implemented from December 2017 to March 2018 to examine the quality of these processes and the institutional architecture involved.
  • Overall, survey analyses show that stakeholder perceptions on two quality indices is quite positive. with an aggregate mean assessment score for index 1 (quality of policy processes) at 1.93 and for index 2 (quality of institutional architecture) at 2.3 (on a scale of 0-3).
  • Results indicate that, while some elements of the policy processes and institutional architecture are in place and people are quite positive about that, the country could benefit from further improvements.


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