Tumble pigweed
September 16, 2015
Amaranthus albus L.
Life cycle
Bushy-branched summer annual.
Tumble pigweed seedling.
Alternate, oval- to spatula-shaped, light green leaves have wavy margins and notched leaf tips.
Tumble pigweed leaf.
Mostly erect and usually hairless, pale green to whitish stems with multiple branches create a bushy appearance. Stems, up to 4 feet tall, break off at the soil surface when mature and tumble with the wind.
Whitish stems of tumble pigweed.
Flowers and fruit
Small, greenish flowers are found in dense clusters in the leaf axils. Flowers have long bracts two to four times the length of the sepals and yield small, round, shiny black seeds.
Tumble pigweed foliage and flowers.
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