One-Stop-Shop: General Requests/Logistics

GENERAL Requests/Logistics

24/7 Building Code of Conduct

Both the SPDC Building Access Request Forms and Code of Conduct Forms should be submitted two (2) business days before they are needed.

Faculty should email their class list to Koby Rounds at:


IPF Services

Building maintenance, pest control, motor pool rentals, field trip bus rentals, surplus requests, and all other IPF related services require an IPF Service Request Form.

Important Deadlines/Timelines to Consider:
  • Building issues that are a safety hazard should be reported IMMEDIATELY
  • All motor pool rentals should give at least two (2) weeks notice
  • All bus rentals should give a minimum of three (3) weeks notice



Conference Room Scheduling (115 & 315)

Conference Rooms 115 & 315 should be scheduled a minimum of two (2) business days prior to intended use. These rooms may NOT be used for classes.

To schedule a meeting in 115 or 315 follow the instructions below.

To schedule rooms 109, 204, or 303, please email Koby Rounds at:  


Locked Out

If you are locked out of your office during business hours, visit Suite 101.

If you are locked out of your office outside of business hours, please call DPPS: 517-355-2221



Parking related requests require a minimum of two (2) business days prior notice. A request for a parking hang-tag require one (1) week prior notice.



At SPDC, each staff member, advisor and teaching staff have a copy code that they can use for printing.  If you get a new grant with printing needs, please email Koby Rounds at:  

The MSU Library provides poster printing for a fee. To print a poster at the library, please submit the an MSU Departmental Form with your account number.



Instructions on sending voicemail to email and setting up Softphone on the Avaya Workplace app can be found at the link below.

OWL Hybrid Meetings 

Instructions on how to use the OWL camera and microphone for Zoom meetings can be found at the link below.


Injury/Property Damage Report 

If you are injured on campus, in an accident during work hours, and/or notice property damage on campus, please fill out an injury/property damage report and submit it to Mary Beth Graebert at: