One-Stop-Shop: Grants


SPDC Grant Proposal Policy (including buyout policy)


Grant Proposal Requests

All Proposal Request Forms including;

CANR Office of Research Support/AgBio (ORS) – for CM, ID, and LA grants

Social Science Proposal Support (SSC) – for UP grants,

and SPDC Grant Proposal Support (SPDC)  (PD & Budget) - for internal and continuation grants,

must be submitted at least one (1) month prior to the grant's application due date. The respective request forms can be found below.

Cost Share Commitment (Social Science)

Cost Sharing Commitment Forms must be submitted seven (7) business days before the due date.


To Find information about your current grant, including balance, expenses, budget-to-actual, timeline, etc., go to the Office of Sponsored Programs website.

Under the “Award Management” tab, click on “Account Explorer,” and type in your grant account number in the search bar.