One-Stop-Shop: Human Resources


Hiring an Hourly Student

Both(?) the Supervisor Form and Employee Form below must be submitted two (2) weeks prior to intended start date.


Hiring an Hourly Temporary/On-Call

Both(?) the Supervisor Form and Employee Form below must be submitted six (6) weeks prior to intended start date.
Temporary/On-Call appointments require a public job posting.


Submitting Student & Temporary/On-Call Time Sheets

Time sheets must be submitted by the Tuesday following a payday.

Employees must e-mail completed time sheets to with the appropriate supervisor copied.

Time sheets are available at: SPDC Time Sheet - 2024


Hiring a Graduate Assistant

Projected Graduate Assistant costs are available at: Graduate Rate Projections

Stipend & S.I. information are available via: MSU Human Resources

The Graduate Assistant Hiring Deadlines are as follows:

Spring 2023: October 21, 2022
Summer 2023: April 1, 2023
Fall 2023: June 1, 2023


Add Account Number / Change Pay Rates / Terminate Employment

Adding account numbers, changing a student's pay rate, and/or terminating a student's employment must be initiated one (1) week in advance.

To initiate such changes, please e-mail Caroline Hart at