Smart Agricultural Systems Minor

Minor in Smart Agricultural System

The Minor in Smart Agricultural Systems, which is administered by the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, is available for students with majors in Applied Engineering Sciences, Biosystems Engineering, Computational Data Science, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Lyman Briggs Computer Science who are interested in smart technology for management decision support and who plan to pursue careers in agriculture or natural resources. The minor will provide an opportunity for students to gain a working knowledge of digital technologies necessary to monitor and manage aspects of agriculture, food, natural resources, and bioenergy systems.

With the approval of the department and college that administer the student’s degree program, the courses that are used to satisfy the minor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for the bachelor’s degree. At least 10 unique credits counted towards the requirements for a student’s minor must not be used to fulfill the requirements for that student’s major.

Students who plan to complete the requirements of the minor should consult the Smart Agricultural Systems minor program coordinator in the Department of Biosystems Engineering and have their program of study approved in advance and in writing.

The current program can be found on the registrar's site