MSU BioEnergy & Agronomic Crops Research
Understanding the role of carbon in agriculture short article series:
Cover crops and corn forage biofuel production system
Tumbalam, P., K. Hard and K.D. Thelen 2016: Integrating winter annual cereal rye or triticale into a corn forage biofuel production system, Journal of Crop Improvement, 30:5:526-530. DOI: 10.1080/15427528.2016.1189472.
Determination of Isoflavone content in soybeans
Laurenz, R., P. Tumbalam, S. Naeve, and K.D. Thelen. 2017. Determination of isoflavone (genistein and daidzein) concentration of soybean seed as affected by environment and management inputs. J. Sci. Food Agric. DOI 10.1002/jsfa.8184.
Characterizing Genotype X Management Interactions on Soybean Seed Yield
Orlowski, J.M., B.J. Haverkamp, R.G. Laurenz, D.A. Marburger, E.W. Wilson, S.N. Casteel, S.P. Conley, S.L. Naeve, E.D. Nafziger, K.L. Roozeboom, W.J. Ross, K.D. Thelen, and C.D. Lee. 2016. Evaluation of input-intensive management systems on soybean seed yield, yield components, and break-even probabilities. Crop Science 2016 56: 4: 1988-2004.
Spatial Variability in Biomass Yield of Switchgrass,Native Prairie and Corn at Field scale
Hao, X, K.D. Thelen, and J. Gao. 2016. Spatial Variability in Biomass Yield of Switchgrass, Native Prairie, and Corn at Field Scale. Agron J. 108:548–558. doi:10.2134/agronj2015.0167
Characterizing Genotype X Management on soybean seed yield
Marburger, D.A., B.J. Haverkamp, R.G. Laurenz, J.M. Orlowski, E.W. Wilson, S.N. Casteel, C.D. Lee, S.L. Naeve, E.D. Nafziger, K.L. Roozeboom, W.J. Ross, K.D. Thelen, and S.P. Conley. 2016. Characterizing genotype by management interactions on soybean seed yield. Crop Science. 56:786-796. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2015.09.0576
Comparative productivity of alternative cellulosic bioenergy cropping systems in the North Central USA
Sanford, G.R., Oates, L.G., Jasrotia, P., Thelen, K.D., Robertson, G.P., Jackson, R.D., 2016. Comparative productivity of alternative cellulosic bioenergy cropping systems in the North Central USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 216:344-55. doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2015.10.018
Corn stover ethanol yield as affected by grain yield, Bt trait, and environment
Tumbalam P., Kurt D. Thelen, Andrew Adkins, Bruce Dale, Venkatesh Balan, Christa Gunawan, Juan Gao, 2016. Corn Stover Ethanol Yield as Affected by Grain Yield, Bt Trait, and Environment. Biomass & BioEnergy. 85:119-125.
Investment risk in bioenergy crops
Skevas, T., S.M. Swinton, S. Tanner, G. Sanford, K.D. Thelen. 2016. Investment risk in bioenergy crops. Global Change Biology: Bioenergy. 8:1162-1177. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12320.
Effects of agronomic practices on the timeline of Heterodera glycines
Melakeberhan, H. W. Wang, A. Kravchenko, and K. Thelen. 2015. Effects of agronomic practices on the timeline of Heterodera glycines establishment in a new location. Nematology, 17:6:705-713
Pyrolysis of North-American grass species: effect of feedstock composition and taxonomy on pyrolysis products.
Kelkar, S., Z. Li, J. Bovee, K.D. Thelen, R. Kriegel, and C.M. Saffron. 2014. Pyrolysis of North-American grass species: effect of feedstock composition and taxonomy on pyrolysis products. Biomass and Bionergy 64:152-161.
Maximizing land use during switchgrass establishment in the North Central United States.
Hedtcke, J.L., G.R. Sanford, K.E. Hadley, and K.D. Thelen. 2014. Maximizing land use during switchgrass establishment in the North Central United States. Agron J. 106:596-604.
Yield and quality analyses of bioenergy crops grown on a regulatory brownfield
Smith, S.L., K.D. Thelen, and S.J. MacDonald. 2013. Yield and quality analyses of bioenergy crops grown on a regulatory brownfield. Biomass and BioEnergy. 49:123-130.
Prediction of the ethanol yield of dry-grind maize grain using near infrared spectroscopy
Hao, X., K.D. Thelen, and J. Gao. 2012. Prediction of the ethanol yield of dry-grind maize grain using near infrared spectroscopy. Biosystems Engineering. 112:161-170.
A spreadsheet-based model for teaching the aspects of bioenergy cropping systems
Thelen, K.D., J. Gao, J. Hoben, L. Qian, C. Saffron, and K.K. Withers. 2012. A Spreadsheet-Based Model for Teaching the Agronomic, Economic, and Environmental Aspects of BioEnergy Cropping Systems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 85:157-163.
Interseeded winter-annual rye in dry bean cropping systems
Wagstaff, S., and K. D. Thelen. 2011. Interseeded winter-annual rye in dry bean cropping systems. J. Crop Improv. 25:425-:434
Can we use the whole corn plant as a bio-ethanol feedstock
Gao, J., L.Qian, K. D. Thelen, X. Hao, L.Da Costa Sousa, V. Balan, and B.E Dale. 2011. Corn Harvest Strategies for Combined Starch and Cellulosic Bioprocessing to Ethanol. Agron J. 103: 844-850.
Early maturing hybrids save energy and are usally more profitable
Hao, X., Thelen, K., and Gao, J. 2010. Earlier-maturing hybrids improve corn grain profitability in the northern Corn Belt. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2010-1203-01-RS.
The best system for transitioning to organic
Andrew Corbin, K.D. Thelen, R. Leep, and G.P. Robertson, 2010. Influence of Cropping Systems on Soil Aggregate and Weed Seedbank Dynamics During the Organic Transition Period. Agron J. 102:1632-1640
Conversion technology for whole-plant corn to ethanol
Shao, Q., C. Shishir, C. Krishnan, B. Bals, L.Sousa, K. D. Thelen, B. E.Dale, and V. Balan. 2010. Enzymatic digestibility and ethanol fermentability of AFEX-treated starch-rich lingo-cellulosics such as corn silage and whole plant corn. Biotechnology for Biofuels 3:12 10.
Will manure effect canola oil quality components?
Gao, J., K.D. Thelen, D.H. Min, S. Smith, X. Hao, and R. Gehl. 2010. Effects of manure and fertilizer applications on canola oil content and fatty acid composition. Agron J. 102:790-797.
Spatial variability on a field scale of corn grain ethanol yield (g/g)
Hao, X., K.D. Thelen, and J. Gao. 2010. Effects of soil and topographic properties on spatial variability of corn grain ethanol yield. Agron J. 102:998-1006.
Bioenergy cropping systems have smaller carbon footprints
Thelen, K.D., B.E. Fronning, S.A. Kravchenko, D.H. Min, and G.P. Robertson. 2010. Integrating Livestock Manure with Corn-Soybean Bioenergy Cropping Systems Improves Short-term Carbon Sequestration Rates and Net Global Warming Potential. Biomass and BioEnergy. 34:960-966.
Economics of various bioenergy cropping systems
James, L.K., S.M. Swinton, and K.D. Thelen. 2010. Can Dedicated Cellulosic Feedstock Crops Out-earn Corn? Agron. J. 102:675-687.
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