Clean Boats, Clean Waters Grants

Clean Boats, Clean Waters grants supply up to $3,000 to organizations communicating aquatic invasive species prevention information through outreach materials and in-person educational events aimed at the boating and angling community. This funding opportunity is competitive, and applications are subject to a review process and ranked based on eligibility, project significance, anticipated outcomes, and target audiences. Organizations qualified for the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program (MISGP) (e.g., CISMAs) should pursue MISGP funds to perform boater outreach activities. CISMAs can provide support to organizations in their area that are applying for this funding.

CBCW is a joint effort between Michigan State University Extension and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. This program is funded by the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program (

Want to stay updated on future grant funding? Sign up here to be notified via email when CBCW grants are available. 

2025 Grant Information

Application period: We are now accepting grant applications for the 2025 boating season. The application deadline is January 17, 2025. Applicants will receive notification of their award in March 2025.

Examples of eligible grant projects
- Interpretive signage at a county or township park, nature center or state/local boat launch about proper cleaning techniques to prevent AIS.
- Clean Boats, Clean Waters boat decontamination station with plant removal tools, sponges, and signage.
- Educational booths during weekends at a popular boat launch or community event.
- Educational presentations to anglers taking part in a fishing tournament.

Eligible expenditures
- Producing existing state approved aquatic invasive species outreach materials (e.g., printed materials (brochures, rack cards), banners, flags, floating key chains and towels) and/or designing and producing new materials with approved messaging consistent with outreach campaigns in use in Michigan.
- Invasive species removal supplies such as plant removal tools, sponges, wrenches for removing drain plugs, towels, and plastic scrapers.
- Event supplies including tables, chairs, and tents.
- Clean Boats, Clean Waters volunteer recognition apparel items (i.e., lanyards, shirts, aprons, hats).
- Staff time to perform watercraft inspections, demonstration of boat cleaning techniques and/or outreach to boaters.
- Outreach activities can take place at various locations including but not limited to bait and tackle shops, county fairs, public and private boat launches and waterbodies that do and do not have public access.

Ineligible expenditures include but are not limited to the partial purchase, upkeep and/or the maintenance of a mechanical boat washing station (i.e., boat cleaning systems using high pressured water, waterless decontamination systems) and indirect costs and fringe for staffing.

NOTE: Permission of boat launch owners and/or managers needs to be obtained prior to any project implementation.  For example, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Parks and Recreation Division may require a use permit for any events held at DNR owned/managed boating access sites. DNR sites and park managers can be found at Michigan’s Recreational Boating Information System site.

Examples of eligible organizations
- Local or tribal units of government
- Lake associations
- Watershed protection groups
- Schools and other youth organizations
- Nature centers
- Non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations

Funding amount
- Grant requests can be up to $3,000
- There is no match or cost sharing requirement.
- Funds will be distributed via a one-time reimbursement of eligible expenses.
- Any budget or project changes after a grant has been awarded must be approved in writing.

Required grant activities-- Grantees must complete all of the following:
- Host a minimum of three outreach events with CBCW approved outreach materials.
- Grantee and/or volunteers will review required CBCW training materials (approximately 1 hour of educational instruction).
- Grantee and/or volunteers will collect and report data on the number of people contacted, volunteer hours (if applicable), number of outreach materials distributed, and locations (minimum of waterbody name, county, and township) for all events and signage.
- Grantee will submit one narrative report of all grant funded activities and expenditures to MSU Extension. A template will be provided to assist with narrative report creation. The narrative report must contain a minimum of five photos of products and/or outreach conducted. The narrative report is due at the time of reimbursement request.
- Grantee will submit all receipts/invoices for reimbursement. MSU Extension will not issue payment to the grantee until all receipts have been submitted. One-time payment will be issued within 60 days of receiving receipts and report of grantee activities.

Application Materials

Please use the application and budget documents available for download below to apply for a Clean Boats, Clean Waters grant. Funding will only be granted to applicants with complete and eligible project expenditures. Applications should be submitted to Kelsey Bockelman (, Paige Filice (, and Kevin Walters ( 

Note: The grant application will download as a Microsoft Word file. If you have accessibility issues, please contact Kelsey Bockelman at

Grant Application (Microsoft Word file)

Budget Proposal (Microsoft Excel file)


Contact: Kelsey Bockelman (


Previously Funded Grant Projects

  • In 2024 Clean Boats, Clean Waters funded 13 projects totaling $35,000. Learn more.
  • In 2023 Clean Boats, Clean Waters funded 13 projects totaling $31,000. Learn more.
  • In 2022 Clean Boats, Clean Waters funded 12 projects totaling $26,000. Learn more.
  • In 2021 Clean Boats, Clean Waters funded 7 projects totaling $19,800. Learn more.
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Kelsey Bockelman

Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Educator