OCAB Third Thursday: Featuring Dr. Dan Chitwood

October 24, 2024 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Registration Deadline: October 24, 2024 - 01:15PM

Agriculture Hall, rm 75/ Zoom

Contact: For more information contact Ayodele Dare at dareayod@msu.edu

The Office of Culture, Access and Belonging invites the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources community to attend the OCAB Third Thursday Event.

The October OCAB Third Thursday event features Dr. Dan Chitwood.

Tite of presentation: Undocumented/unacknowledged: the vital contributions of México to US agriculture and academia

Third Thursdays- Lightning Talks

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Office of Culture, Access and Belonging is hosting a Teaching, Research, and Extension (T,R,E) lightening talk series. The purpose of the lightening talk series is to invite faculty and academic staff who have T,R, and /or E appointments to share how they are incorporating DEI into the mission areas.

Register to receive the online participation details. For questions, contact dareayod@msu.edu.

Background on Dr. Dan Chitwood 

Dan Chitwood (he/him) grew up in Modesto, in California's Central Valley. While attending UC Davis, he interned at Gallo Winery and discovered a passion for viticulture. He earned a PhD from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and completed a post-doc at UC Davis, focusing on plant morphology and its genetic basis. At Michigan State University, he works across the Departments of Horticulture and Computational Mathematics, Science & Engineering, applying algorithmic thinking to plant biology. He values interdisciplinary work and learns computational approaches through teaching. He has contributed to an international class between the US and México that teaches coding using plant examples called Plants&Python (https://plantsandpython.github.io/PlantsAndPython). He also researches the history of wine in North America, and how the grapevine continues to influence politics, immigration policy, and human rights. Dan and his husband Manuel enjoy traveling between the US and México to visit and be with family and friends.



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