The following are a selection of images, captions, and quotes from Flint residents who participated in the photo project on food access in Flint and the impact of COVID-19. Most of the photos show intersecting themes, for example one photo and caption might illustrate family, cooking and healthy eating. Photos on these pages are just shared in one category to help show the breadth of data we received.
These data illustrate the theme of helping others with food.
This theme appeared 96 times in the data.
We define the helping theme as discussions of ways people aid in taking care of others by cooking, buying, storing, or delivering food to them.
Flint Residents Shared
“In line at one of the food giveaways in Flint. Getting food for friends who can’t go.”
“I have a neighbor who is elderly but cares for his 100 year old mother. I try to take a box of healthy fresh food to them at least once a week to ease their need to go out.”“I forgot to tell you another thing I do is support my friends when they make ethnic food. And I have a girlfriend who makes the bomb tamales. I just bought 6 dozen from her.”“Our hope was to have a neighborhood friend and handyman come in to paint and repair the walls before putting up the shelf. He has been unable to follow through on the project, however. In the meantime, we decided to replace our refrigerator as part of our kitchen remodel, and the brand new Whirlpool refrigerator we put in its place promptly malfunctioned. The freezer side iced over completely, and the other side lost all refrigeration. Some of the food spoiled, and we were forced to figure out somewhere else to go with our perishables. Because of Covid-related delays, it took several weeks before the necessary replacement part could be delivered. In the meantime, we relied, in part, upon a mini fridge loaned to us by a neighborhood friend. The empty closet became a convenient place to put it.” “My daughter borrowed a car from a friend and drove home from NYC to help me put our cat down; he was dying from kidney failure. It was a bummer visit but she ended up staying for a week and I was so happy on the nights she made dinner. I’m sick of my own cooking.”
*Note: The statements provided here represent the voices of the Flint residents who participated in this research project. They are not necessarily reflective of the values or opinions of Michigan State University or its affiliates.