FW Email Job Boards

The Department of Fisheries and Wildlife presently maintains 2 email employment bulletin boards: FWJOBS & FWGRADJOBS.

FWJOBS posts temporary, seasonal, and permanent employment, as well as Masters-level graduate assistantships, for those working towards or have recently received a fisheries, wildlife, ecological, environmental, or natural resources type bachelor's (B.S.) degree.

FWGRADJOBS posts employment and graduate opportunities for those that are in the process of getting or have already acquired an M.S. or Ph.D. in fisheries, wildlife, ecological, environmental, or natural resources type degree.

FWJOBS and FWGRADJOBS are open to anyone looking for fisheries or wildlife employment, not just MSU students and alumni.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to FWJOBS or FWGRADJOBS go to:

FWJOBS: http://list.msu.edu/archives/fwjobs.html

FWGRADJOBS: http://list.msu.edu/archives/fwgradjobs.html

Want all the job announcements without all the emails?

If you want all the job announcements without ALL the emails, you can subscribe to the DIGEST version of the listservs. With the digest version, you'll receive one email a day with the job announcements that were sent that day. Follow the subscribing instructions above, but select "Digest (traditional)" as your subscription type.


You can view the job announcements using the listservs archive sites (same URLs as above). Click on the date and week, and you'll be able to see all job announcements posted to the listservs.

If you know of a job announcement that you think others would benefit from hearing about, send the announcement to Jim Schneider.