
Hop growing in the U.S. is a proud tradition dating back to the late 19th century. The majority of the American hop industry has been and continues to be family owned and operated farms in the Pacific Northwest. However, in recent years, there has been renewed interest in hops production in the Great Lakes Region. Like all new crops, before considering planting, you should investigate the market opportunities now and in the future to develop a solid sales plan. The following resources should help you make an informed decision whether to make the substantial investment it takes to develop and operate a successful hopyard.

Statistics for the U.S. hop industry are gathered through a cooperative agreement between a number of sources, including the USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service, International Hop Growers Convention, hop merchant companies, and others, with Hop Growers of America releasing a packet of statistical data each year. There are three main categories of statistics: Acreage, Production, and Hop Stocks. The Hop Growers of America website also offers the USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service's statistical reports.