Bylaws Section 7. Revisions and Amendments


7.1.   The Bylaws and amendments to the bylaws shall be reviewed by the College Advisory Council and transmitted to the Dean.

7.2.   The Bylaws and amendments to the bylaws shall be published and transmitted to all voting members of the department.

7.3.   The voting members of the department shall review the Bylaws regularly at 5-year intervals or as deemed necessary by the Dean, Chairperson, Department Advisory Committee or the voting members.

7.4.   Amendment Procedures

7.4.1.   The department Bylaws may be amended by a majority of the voting members by write-in ballot at or following a department meeting at which such an item of business is on the agenda.

7.4.2.   Amendments may be initiated by the Chairperson, by the Department Advisory Committee, or by petition of any three voting members.

7.4.3.   The effective date will be immediately after adoption of amendments to Bylaws.