Qiu, T + 101 co-authors (alphabetical, including RK Kobe), and JS Clark. 202_. Limits to reproduction and seed size-number trade-offs that shape forest dominance and future recovery. Nature Comm, in press.
Journe, V + 91 co-authors (alphabetical, including RK Kobe), and JS Clark. 202_. Globally, tree fecundity exceeds productivity gradients. Ecol. Letters, in press.
Qiu, T + 78 co-authors (alphabetical, including RK Kobe), and JS Clark. 2021. Is there tree senescence? The fecundity evidence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 1189(34) e2106130118.
Esch, CM and RK Kobe. 2021. Short-lived legacies of Prunus serotina plant-soil feedbacks. Oecologia 196(2), 529-538. doi: 10.1007/s00442-021-04948-1
Esch, CM, CM Medina- Mora, RK Kobe and ML Sakalidis. 2021. Oomycetes associated with Prunus serotina persist in soil after tree harvest, Fungal Ecology 53: 101094.
McCarthy-Neumann, S and RK Kobe. 2019. Site soil-fertility and light availability influence plant-soil feedback. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:383. doi:10.3389/fevo.2019.00383
Minor, D and RK Kobe. 2019. Fruit production is influenced by tree size and size-asymmetric crowding in a wet tropical forest. Ecology and Evolution 9:1458-1472.
Minor, D and RK Kobe. 2017. Masting synchrony in northern hardwood forests: super-producers govern population fruit production. Journal of Ecology 105: 987-998.
Holste, EK and RK Kobe. 2017. Tree species and soil nutrients drive tropical reforestation more than associations with mycorrhizal fungi. Plant and Soil 410: 283-297.
Holste, EK, RK Kobe, CA Gehring. 2017. Plant species differ in early seedling growth and tissue nutrient responses to arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhizae 27: 211-223.
Holste, EK, K Holl, Z Zahawi, RK Kobe. 2016. Reduced aboveground tree growth associated with higher arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in tropical forest restoration. Ecology and Evolution 6: 7253-7262.
Rozendaal, DMA and RK Kobe. 2016. A forest tent caterpillar outbreak increased resource levels and seedling growth in a northern hardwood forest. PLOS ONE 11(11): e0167139. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167139.
Record, S, RK Kobe, CF Vriesendorp, and AO Finley. 2016. Seedling survival responses to conspecific density, soil nutrients, and irradiance vary with age in a tropical forest. Ecology 97: 2406-2415.
Maguire, AJ and RK Kobe. 2015. Drought and shade deplete nonstructural carbohydrate reserves in seedlings of five temperate tree species. Ecology and Evolution 5: 5711-5721.
Bachelot, B, RK Kobe and CF Vriesendorp. 2015. Negative density-dependent mortality varies over time in a wet tropical forest advantaging rare species, common species, or no species. Oecologia 179: 853-861.
Xiao X, Aravajy S, Baribault TW, Brokaw N, Christensen NL, Dasappa, DeWalt SJ, Elouard C, Gilbert GS, Kobe RK, Kohyama TS, McGlinn DJ, Palmer MW, Patil SV, Peet RK, Pélissier R, Pitman NCA, Ramalingam S, Ramesh BR, Reed RA, Swaminath MH, Thompson J, Urban DL, Uriarte M, Venugopal PD, White EP, White PS, Xi W, Zimmerman JK. 2015. Data from: A strong test of the Maximum Entropy Theory of Ecology. Dryad Digital Repository.
Rozendaal, DMA and RK Kobe. 2014. Competitive balance among tree species altered by forest tent caterpillar defoliation. Forest Ecology and Management 327: 18-25
Kobe, RK, TB Baribault, and EK Holste 2014. Tree performance across gradients of soil resources. In Coomes DA, Burslem DFRP, and Simonson WD (eds.). Forests and Global Change, Ecological Reviews Series, Cambridge University Press, New York.
Guhaniyogi R., AO Finley, S Banerjee, and RK Kobe, 2013. Modeling complex spatial dependencies: low-rank spatially varying cross-covariances with application to soil nutrient data. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 18: 274-298.
Bachelot, B and RK Kobe. 2013. Rare species advantage? Richness of damage types due to natural enemies increases with species abundance in a wet tropical forest. Journal of Ecology 101: 846-856.
Baribault, TB., RK Kobe, AO Finley. 2012. Tropical tree growth is correlated with soil phosphorus, potassium, and calcium, though not for legumes. Ecological Monographs 82: 189-203.
Coomes, DA, RJ Holdaway, RK Kobe, ER Lines, and RB Allen. 2012. A general integrative framework for modeling woody biomass production and carbon sequestration rate in forests. Centenary Symposium Special Feature. Journal of Ecology 100: 42-64.
Holste, EK, RK Kobe, and CF Vriesendorp. 2011. Seedling growth responses to soil nutrients in a wet tropical forest understory. Ecology 92: 1828-1838.
Baribault, TW and RK Kobe. 2011. Neighbour interactions strengthen with increased soil resources in a northern hardwood forest, Journal of Ecology 99: 1358-1372. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01862.x
Kobe, RK and CF Vriesendrop. 2011. Conspecific density-dependence in seedlings varies with species shade tolerance in a wet tropical forest. Ecology Letters 14: 503-510. doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01612.x
Baribault, TW, RK Kobe, and DE Rothstein. 2010. Soil calcium, nitrogen, and water are correlated with aboveground net primary production in northern hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 260: 723-733.
Martin, PH, CD Canham, and RK Kobe. 2010. Divergence from the growth-survival trade-off and extreme high growth rates drive patterns of exotic tree invasions in closed-canopy forests. Journal of Ecology 98: 778-789. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2010.01666.x.
Kobe, RK, M Iyer, and MB Walters. 2010. Optimal partitioning theory revisited: nonstructural carbohydrates dominate root mass responses to nitrogen. Ecology 91: 166-179.
McCarthy-Neumann, S and RK Kobe. 2010. Conspecific plant-soil feedbacks reduce survivorship and growth of tropical tree seedlings. Journal of Ecology 98:396-407. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01619.x
McCarthy-Neumann, S and RK Kobe. 2010. Conspecific and heterospecific tree-soil feedbacks influence survivorship and growth of temperate tree seedlings. Journal of Ecology 98:408-418. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01620.x
Kobe, RK and CF Vriesendorp. 2009. Size of sampling unit strongly influences detection of seedling limitation in a wet tropical forest. Ecology Letters 12: 220-228. doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01278.x
Kunkle, JM, MB Walters, and RK Kobe 2009. Senescence-related changes in nitrogen in fine roots: mass loss affects estimation. Tree Physiology 29: 715-723.
Urbieta, IR, IM Perez-Ramos, MA Zavala, T Maranon, and RK Kobe. 2008. Soil water heterogeneity and emergence time control seedling establishment of three coexisting oaks. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 2382-2393.
Perez-Ramos, IM, IR Urbieta, T Maranon, MA Zavala, and RK Kobe. 2008. Seed removal in two co-existing oak species: ecological consequences of dispersal timing, seed size and plant cover. Oikos 117: 1386-1396
McCarthy-Neumann, S and RK Kobe. 2008. Tolerance of neighborhood soil pathogens co-varies with shade tolerance across species of tropical tree seedlings. Ecology 89:1883-1892.
Kobe, RK and LJ Hogarth. 2007. Evaluation of irradiance metrics with respect to predicting sapling growth, Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 1203-1213.
de Gouvenain, RC, RK Kobe, and JA Silander, Jr. 2007. Partitioning of understory light and dry-season soil moisture gradients among seedlings of four rain-forest tree species in Madagascar, Journal of Tropical Ecology 23: 569-579.
MacFarlane, DW and RK Kobe. 2006. Selecting models for capturing tree size effects on growth- resource relationships. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36: 1695-1704.
Kobe, RK. 2006. Sapling growth as a function of light and landscape-level variation in soil water and foliar N in northern Michigan. Oecologia 147: 119-133.
Kneeshaw, DD, RK Kobe, KD Coates, and C Messier. 2006. Sapling size influences shade tolerance ranking among southern boreal tree species. Journal of Ecology 94:471-480.
Kobe, RK, CA Lepcyzk, and M Iyer. 2005.Resorption efficiency decreases with increasing green leaf nutrients in global dataset. Ecology 86: 2780-2792.
Schreeg, LA, RK Kobe*, and MB Walters. 2005. Tree seedling growth, survival and morphology in response to landscape-level variation in soil resource availability in Northern Michigan. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35: 263-273.
Rhoads, AG, SP Hamburg, TJ Fahey, TG Siccama, R. Kobe. 2004. Comparing direct and indirect methods of assessing canopy structure in a northern hardwood forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34: 584-591.
Catovsky, S, RK Kobe*, and FA Bazzaz. 2002. Nitrogen induced changes in seedling regeneration and dynamics of mixed conifer-broad-leaved forests. Ecological Applications, 12:1611-1625. (*corresponding author)
Kobe, RK, GE Likens, and C Eagar. 2002. Tree seedling growth and mortality responses to manipulations of calcium and aluminum in a northern hardwood forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32: 954-966.
Caspersen, JP and RK Kobe. 2001. Interspecific variation in sapling mortality in relation to growth and soil moisture. Oikos 92: 160-168.
Kobe, RK. 1999. Tropical tree richness and resource-based niches. Science.285: 1459a – 1460a.
Canham, CD, RK Kobe, EF Latty, and RL Chazdon. 1999. Interspecific and intraspecific variation in tree seedling survival: effects of allocation to roots vs. carbohydrate reserves. Oecologia 121: 1-11.
Kobe, RK. 1999. Light gradient partitioning among tropical tree species through differential seedling mortality and growth. Ecology 80: 187-201.
Kobe, RK. 1997. Carbohydrate allocation to storage as a basis of interspecific variation in sapling survivorship and growth. Oikos 80: 226-233.
Kobe, RK, and KD Coates. 1997. Models of sapling mortality as a function of growth to characterize interspecific variation in shade tolerance of eight tree species of northwestern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27:227-236.
Kobe, RK. 1996. Intraspecific variation in sapling mortality and growth predicts geographic variation in forest composition. Ecological Monographs 66: 181-201.
** Pacala, SW, CD Canham, J Saponera, JA Silander, Jr., RK Kobe, and E Ribbens. 1996. Forest models defined by field measurements: Estimation, error analysis and dynamics. Ecological Monographs. 66: 1-43.
** Recipient of 1997 George Mercer Award from Ecological Society of America.
Kobe, RK, SW Pacala, JA Silander, Jr., and CD Canham. 1995. Juvenile tree survivorship as a component of shade tolerance. Ecological Applications. 5: 517-532.
Pacala, SW, CD Canham, JA Silander, Jr., and RK Kobe. 1994. Sapling growth as a function of resources in a north temperate forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 24: 2172-2183.