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We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of our 2024 Master Gardener Conference sponsors. Their support, along with our many volunteers, makes it possible to hold the Master Gardener Conference. To be added to this page and support the Master Gardener Conference, visit: https://events.anr.msu.edu/MGconf/


Native Goldenrod - $2,500 

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Silver Artemisia - $1,000 


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Bronze - $500 


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Purple Coneflower - $250 

Master Gardener Association Genesee County Michigan

Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. 

Master Gardener Society of Oakland County 

Pine Hill Village Gardens


White Trillium - $150 

Carmen’s Gardens


Master Gardeners Association of Northwest Michigan

Michigan Wildflower Farm

Native Plant Guild 

Saverine Creek Heirlooms

Snow Fairy Cottage, LLC


Individual Contributions

Melville Kennedy

Cathy Myers



Ball Horticultural Company - $1,950

ITC Holdings - $1,300

Michigan Master Gardener Association - $100

Washtenaw Master Gardeners - $100


Companies or individuals listed here shall not constitute or be construed as a University endorsement of any commercial product or service. Further, sponsorship and advertising are not intended and shall not be deemed to constitute the University's endorsement of related commercial products or services.