MSU Extension provides resources and education on money management, foreclosure prevention, buying your own home, retirement planning and more to help you and your family be more financially healthy.

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MSU Extension's goal is that every Michigan resident has the opportunity to participate in personal finance and home ownership education. We educate a diverse audience regardless of their financial status. MSU Extension has certified housing and money management counselors that deliver trusted, unbiased education that is easy to understand and can demystify common money and home ownership best practices. Our university programs and resources help Michigan residents navigate the financial life of themselves and their families. 

 Along with our core programs, MSU Extension can offer one-time presentations that target emerging issues within our communities. Current presentations include:

  • The Rent Smart program covers the financial preparation, basic rental process, and continual good tenant conduct. 
  • "Who Gets Grandma's Yellow Pie Plate?" explores the practical considerations as well as helps families understand the sensitivity, consequences and conflicts surrounding the passing on of personal possessions.  

Impact of our programs for Michigan residents


2020 Financial Education Impacts



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