Diverse Crop Rotations Reduce Risk of Crop Loss Under Poor Growing Conditions

An article published by the USDA which includes KBS Living Field Lab (LFL) research and has LTAR acknowledgement.

Diagram showcasing the crop rotation of soybeans, wheat, and corn.
Diagram showcasing the crop rotation of soybeans, wheat, and corn. Image taken from sustainableagriworld.com.

KBS was a partner in this project by contributing data from an experiment called the Living Field Lab (LFL) that was conducted from 1993-2013 to extend basic findings from the KBS Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Main Cropping System Experiment to a more prescriptive setting that could better inform farmers and extension educators. Two integrated systems that included legume cover crops and composted dairy manure were compared to conventional and organic systems. Within each system, diverse crop rotations of corn, soybeans and wheat were compared to continuous corn. This KBS based project was one of 20 experimental sites included in this analysis only possible through collaborations between multiple long term agroecological research projects.

View the article at this link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590332224003336


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