Find or sell local bees with Northern Bee Network
Buy, sell and trade local bees with Michigan State University’s free nationwide directory of small-scale nuc and queen producers, the Northern Bee Network.
The Northern Bee Network is a directory for beekeepers in the United States to buy, sell and trade local honey bee queens and nucleus colonies (nucs). The directory is free for all users, and producers can be listed by filling out a simple form. The goal of the directory is for beekeepers to find producers selling local queens and bees and for queen producers to find each other to share ideas and genetics. The directory can be easily explored to fit a beekeeper’s individual search area and buying needs.
Beekeepers can list their operation in the directory for free and can use their profile as a web page. Each listing includes contact information, what bees are being sold (queens, nucs or others), and background information on the beekeeping operation so buyers can make informed decisions. Buyers can then contact producers directly and set up the sale independently. Any beekeepers selling any number of queens or nucs are encouraged to join the directory to promote the sales of local bees and connect with other beekeepers. Reminders are sent out yearly to all individuals listed on the directory to update or remove their listing.
The Northern Bee Network was started by Meghan Milbrath in 2014 when she was running a beekeeping operation full-time and looking for a place to direct beekeepers when she sold out. Both Milbrath and the Northern Bee Network moved to Michigan State University in 2015, and the site is maintained through donations to keep the directory free for beekeepers.
Fill out the form to submit a free listing of your nucs or queens for sale.
Connect with Northern Bee Network on Facebook.
Questions? Email us at
For more information on honey bees or to donate to support the site, visit Michigan State University’s pollinator website.