Join the Michigan Apple Crunch
A statewide celebration of Michigan Apples on October 22, 2015.
Apple harvest is widely celebrated in our state. The Michigan Apple Committee reports that 36,500 acres of apples are produced in Michigan - that’s about 9.2 million apple trees and 24 million bushels! Our state ranks third nationally in apple production, behind Washington and New York. Approximately 40 percent of Michigan’s 850 apple farms are GAP certified, which is a certification desired by the food service providers of many schools, hospitals and colleges.
With this level of production, there are few barriers to access Michigan grown apples. More and more grocery stores, K-12 schools, colleges and hospitals are serving Michigan apples. One event that has really helped increase visibility of Michigan apples is the Michigan Apple Crunch!
This is the third year of the event, which is organized by Cherry Capital Foods, a local food hub and distributor based in Traverse City. Participation in the event is open to all – schools, hospitals, businesses, day care centers, farmers markets – anyone can register their event here.
Participants in the Michigan Apple Crunch purchase Michigan apples and serve them to their group on October 22, 2015, at any time on this day. You then document your event by posting and tagging photos on social media using #MIAPPLECRUNCH. You can purchase Michigan apples through Cherry Capital Foods for delivery at your location; however, this is not required for participation. You can purchase Michigan apples from any source you choose for your Michigan Apple Crunch event.
“We are so pleased to organize the Third Annual Michigan Apple Crunch! It is our hope that one day soon Michigan apples will be the apple of choice in our stores, schools, and hospitals. The population of Michigan is about 9 million - shouldn't all of those people have access to the best apples grown anywhere, “ said Kelly Lively, Institutional Partnership Manager with Cherry Capital Foods.
Michigan State University Extension works to support Michigan apple growers and consumers through a variety of programs. MSU Extension’s Community Food Systems Work Team contributes to the Cultivate Michigan local food purchasing campaign, which provides tools for schools and hospitals to source local. Contact MSU Extension at 1-888-678-3464 to find a local expert in your area.