Trending – Non-alcoholic Beer & Hops Flavored Seltzer Water

We’ve seen folks’ interest in sober bars, also known as temperance bars, increase over the past year. This post looks at popular drinks found in these establishments, non-alcoholic beer and hops-flavored seltzer waters.

What is non-alcoholic beer? 

In general, non-alcoholic beer is crafted to omit alcohol but may still contain up to 0.5% alcohol by volume (ABV).

What is hops-flavored seltzer water?

Seltzer water is carbonated water that does not contain sodium. Manufacturers or brewers may combine seltzer water with alcohol-free hops flavors, hops syrups, and/or malt syrups. 
Some producers will add other ingredients like nootropics, and adaptogens to hop-flavored seltzer water to further enhance the beverage. 

What’s the difference between “non-alcoholic,” “low-alcoholic,” and “alcohol-free” beer? 

In the USA, alcohol-containing products are regulated and have specific labeling requirements

  • Non-alcoholic beer can contain up to 0.5% ABV.Subscribe for weekly updates_
  • Low-alcoholic beer can contain less than 2.5% ABV.
  • Reduced-alcoholic beer can contain less than 2.5% ABV.
  • Alcohol-free beer can contain 0.0% ABV.

All beverages will contain labeling that clearly states how much alcohol by volume the beer may contain. 

Do alcohol-containing seltzer waters follow the same labeling standards as beer? 

Alcoholic seltzer waters are relatively new to the market and don’t always fit nicely into the current beer, malt, or alcohol labeling standards. 
However, producers of all alcohol-containing seltzer waters must legally label their products with the alcohol by volume (ABV) content. For example, most alcoholic seltzer waters contain 4%-6% ABV, and the can or bottle must contain a label with the ABV visible. 

How do manufacturers brew or make non-alcoholic beer? 

Brewers can craft non-alcoholic beer in two different ways.

  • They can use brewing processes that involve special yeast strains and formulations that do not produce typical alcohol content.
  • Or, specialized distillation and/or dealcoholization processes and machinery may be used to remove alcohol from the final product. 

Does non-alcoholic beer have calories? Does hops-flavored seltzer water contain calories? 

Yes, non-alcoholic beer still has calories. However, they may be less than traditional beer. 
Often, seltzer waters contain zero calories, even hops-flavored seltzer water. However, each brand is different, and some brands may contain calories.

It’s important to check labels to ensure you know exactly what you’re consuming. 

Is non-alcoholic beer or hop-flavored seltzer water better for my health than alcoholic beverages? 

The answer depends greatly on individual health. Some studies show that occasionally consuming alcohol may benefit our health. But we know alcohol can adversely impact health when over-consumed.
We also know that alcohol can adversely affect pregnant people and individuals who may have health concerns or take medications that interact with alcohol.
So, consuming non-alcoholic beer or hops-flavored seltzer water may be a better choice for your health if you regularly overconsume alcoholic beverages or have additional health considerations.   

Can I drink non-alcoholic beer or hop-flavored seltzer if I am pregnant or need to refrain from alcohol consumption? 

It’s always best to consult your medical care team if you have concerns about a food or beverage. 
In general, if a beverage doesn’t contain any alcohol and is labeled alcohol-free or has no ABV on the label, it’s no different than consuming other beverages. 
Remember, many non-alcoholic beers may contain small amounts of alcohol. So, it’s essential to read the label to ensure it’s genuinely alcohol-free. 

The good news.

It’s important to understand the difference between potentially alcohol-containing beverages when making decisions regarding our health. It’s also good to know there are many safe options available for individuals looking to refrain from alcohol but do not wish to refrain from social environments.

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