Protect yourself from a food allergy reaction
Having a food allergy can be a scary situation but knowing what foods to avoid and how to recognize symptoms can help you manage food allergies.
With all the interest in food allergies today, you might think that this is a recent problem. In reality, food allergies have been around as long as we’ve been consuming food. An estimated 33 million Americans live with food allergies, and while there is no cure, there are ways to help control the possibility of a reaction.
Food allergies are reactions in the immune system that occur after you eat an offending food. These foods contain a protein that triggers the allergy such as the proteins in milk, eggs, or wheat. For people with a food allergy even a tiny amount consumed or breathed in can cause symptoms such as rashes, hives, digestive problems, and swelling of the lips, tongue or throat. Severe reactions include anaphylaxis, a condition where the air passages swell, shutting off the airways and possibly becoming life-threatening. Anaphylaxis needs immediate medical attention.
Thanks to the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (FALCPA) and the Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education, and Research (FASTER) Act of 2023, the ability to find allergens in foods is easier than ever. Prior to 2006, it was nearly impossible to determine whether a known food allergen was an ingredient. For example, a starch listed in the ingredient panel would be listed as a “food starch” and the consumer would have no idea if that starch came from a potato or from wheat. Now with the food allergen labeling laws, the nine foods causing over 90% food allergy reactions are required by law to be listed on the food label in plain language. These nine foods are: milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy and sesame.
Food allergies can be life threatening, so learning to manage your food allergy is also important. Managing a food allergy can include the following steps:
- Learning how to read food labels and ingredient lists.
- Knowing the major food allergens and which foods or ingredients you are allergic to and need to avoid.
- Knowing the symptoms of an allergic reaction.
- Learning what measures to take if an allergic reaction occurs.
- Becoming an advocate for yourself and loved ones when it comes to choosing foods that are allergy free.
- Carrying an epinephrine auto-injector if your doctor recommends one for you
By following the above steps and other steps your doctor suggests, you can lessen your chance of accidentally exposing yourself to a food allergen and avoid adverse reactions or life-threatening conditions. Consult your primary care physician for a treatment plan when reactions do happen, but in the event of life-threatening conditions call 911.
If you suspect food allergies for you or someone you care for, Michigan State University Extension suggests having a conversation with your medical provider to get a medical diagnosis. If diagnosed with a food allergy, inform schools, employers, restaurants, and family members. Continue to educate yourself on food allergies and take precautions when dining out or eating. Have regular medical checkups and follow your doctor’s orders.
For more information about food allergies, visit the Food Allergy Research and Education website or American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology website.